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Is Higher Education Worth the Price?

 IS HIGHER EDUCATION WORTH THE PRICE? This week we learned about higher education and the way they run. It is not a surprise to this generation about how much college costs. I live in New York City close to NYU, whose tuition is around $72,000 per year. I am from an area in Northern Virginia where your University matters. People care about the name and brand of a school, and if they have not heard of it, they give you looks. Community members pushed this prestige on you, and when I applied for college, I realized that I didn’t care about the prestige; I cared about the most beneficial education. They also care deeply about what you are going to school for. My siblings went to school for information systems and biomedical engineering, and when I, the black sheep of the family, went to school for dance, my parents continuously convinced me not to because I am not guaranteed a job. In their defense, this was at a time after covid when the arts were trying to recover. This unit has convinc

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